It’s Summertime…

…and I can understand if youu…still…feel…saaad. Or at least, the Flaming Lips can. But yea, the school year is over; the year is over, and the next year hasn’t yet begun. It’s time for that vague, flowing in-betweeness that would be murky if the sun didn’t shine so brightly. It has been a little sad, entering that in-betweeness, as it always is: you are sort of done saying goodbye, but you have to wait before you can say hello. I already miss the seniors, and the gone-away friends, and especially Shakes, but I’m also excited. I have a nice, bright, shiny eight weeks laying out ahead of me, and I hope it will be as rewarding as the last 10 were. (That would be hard).

It’s off to a pretty good start though. After all, I wheeled two couches across campus yesterday, and only got honked at by one angry driver. I figured out that my roommate is not good at distributing weight among his boxes. I ate chinese food outside in the dark on top of a suitcase and a mini-fridge. I had a one dollar Jamba Juice today. I’m feeling more relaxed, less uptight, and equally redundant.

So, yea. Hey, Summer. Wassup? Watcha want to do?